New Faculty

Welcome to the School of Art and Design!

We are happy you are joining our community of artists, designers, educators, and scholars. We are a community of professionals committed to providing excellent instruction, support, access, and opportunities to the next generation of creatives. Teaching and learning are the heart of what we do, and we appreciate your careful attention to the policies, procedures, and expectations in the School of Art and Design.

As you begin work as an instructor at ECU, we have a checklist to help you navigate the systems, structures, expectations, and policies of our community.

Feel free to reach out to the Director, Kate Bukoski, at any time for assistance and support!


First things first — your contract!

You will work directly with Shirah Linson in the School of Art and Design’s Main Office to be hired at ECU. Please respond to all her requests in a timely manner so that your contract is not delayed. You must have a signed contract on file with ECU to have access to Canvas and all ECU resources (including email). If you have questions about pay periods, pay timing, etc, please contact Jessica.

Before the Semester Starts


1. Active your ECU email account.

2. Complete required training via Cornerstone

  • All ECU employees are required to complete the Employee Best Practices in Information Security training. The completion of this course is mandatory for all employees on employment and every two years following. Accessed through Cornerstone.
  • All faculty teaching online must complete DE Modules. All faculty who teach a distance education course are required to complete six modules located within the DE Modules Curriculum in Cornerstone.  The module topics include: Course Management and Design, Accessible Content, Creating Effective DE Syllabi, Evaluating Student Progress, Student Engagement and Interactivity, and Universal Design for Learning.  Each module contains a short quiz and requires an 80 % or higher passing score. Accessed through Cornerstone.

3. Review the Academic Calendar

  • Become familiar with the deadlines for the semester — drop/add deadlines, class start and end dates, reading day, holidays, final exam schedule, and the deadline for final grade entry.

4. Download and install appropriate software

Download and install Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive. ECU uses Outlook as its email client and scheduler, and the School uses Teams for file storage and sharing. OneDrive is cloud storage and must be used to store all ECU-related documents such a student files, syllabi, etc. You have 5TB of storage on OneDrive and can share files across the University and outside, similar to other cloud storage systems.

All ECU employees have access to Office 365 products such as Word, PPT, Excel, etc.. You can access these products online or download copies to your computer, phone, and tablets.

5. Develop your syllabus

  • You may request previous syllabi for the course you are teaching from the Director. Communicate with area faculty regarding specific questions about course content.
  • Utilize the School of Art and Design’s syllabus template. If you have any questions about syllabus content or ECU policies, please ask the Director.
  • If you are teaching a first year course (ART 1011, 1012, 1013, or 1014), please review this information. Questions? Email Julienne Beblo ( Shared Experience curriculum coordinator.
  • If you wish to require supplies for your course, please communicate with Shannon McGinnis to submit requests. Requests should be submitted at least one month prior to the start of the semester.
  • Resources:

6. Build your Canvas course site

7. Upload your syllabus to the School’s Teams site

Prior to the first day of classes faculty upload a copy of your syllabus to the School of Art and Design’s Microsoft Team under the appropriate semester folder. If you do not have access to this link, please email the Director.

8. Log into PiratePort

PiratePort is ECU’s online portal for access a variety of services, from course rosters to entering final grades to training to parking. Login to become familiar with the interface and how to find resources.

9. Visit Campus (for on-site instructors)

  • Get your 1card
    The 1card is ECU’s official ID card. It allows faculty to gain access to buildings and other resources. Begin the process of requesting your 1card here.
  • Visit your classroom and test equipment
  • Visit the Main Office to request and receive keys to classrooms and/or your office (as appropriate), pickup any supplies needed, and located your inbox. See Shannon McGinnis for keys. The Director will notify you of your office space.

10. Review FERPA Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
  • FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

FERPA Permissions

  • In accordance with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) guidelines, East Carolina University and the Office of the Registrar are not able to provide confidential information pertaining to students without one of the following written consent from student or visual confirmation, (by way of a copy of an income tax form) that the parent(s) claim the student on the most recent tax return.
  • Students can provide consent by logging into PiratePort, clicking on Tools, then Search for “FERPA.” Click FERPA Admin to give authorization for third parties (including parents) to access their student record.

Before discussing a student’s grades, progress, or any other aspect of enrollment at ECU, log into PiratePort and check to make sure FERPA permissions have been granted. Follow these instructions to view FERPA permissions

11. Review the Faculty Resources and associated pages on the School’s web site


During the Semester


1. Check your email daily

  • Read official emails from the Chancellor, Provost, Dean, Director, and others. If you have questions about a policy or procedure, please email the Director.
  • Respond to student emails promptly.

2. Provide regular feedback to students via grading and formative feedback

Using Canvas is a best practice for grading and providing student feedback.

3. Use ECU Connect to provide feedback to students

  • ECU Connect is a communications tool used by faculty to support student academic success. ECU Connect enables instructors to provide praise or raise concerns regarding their students’ academic performance. Referred to as “Kudos” and “Flags”, these notifications are sent to the students’ ECU email account. Students should communicate with their faculty member about any concerns or questions they have regarding the notification raised. In addition, a university support network has access to the notifications and provides outreach to students as needed.

4. Support students and learning

There are a variety of resources available on campus to support well being, health, and learning.

Office of Faculty Excellence (OFE)

Diversity in Art and Design

Department for People Operations, Success, and Opportunity

Student Counseling and Support

    • ECU’s Counseling Center offer crisis and urgent support, online chats, appointments, and a variety of resources to support students.
    • The Center also provides resources to support others.
    • For urgent upport call 252-328-6661. If after-hours, call and press ‘2.’ For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.

University Writing Center

Student Conduct

    • The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) at East Carolina University administers the Student Code of Conduct, which identifies behavioral expectations for all students on- and off-campus. If you have knowledge of an ECU student violating the Code, you are encouraged to notify our office of the incident.
    • Once a complaint has been received by OSRR staff will conduct an initial assessment. Should the reported information be governed under the Student Code of Conduct OSRR will meet with the student(s) to address the alleged misconduct.
    • Please know that you and any identified witnesses in the report might be contacted by OSRR staff for further information about the incident. Additionally, please note that university disciplinary records are protected by a federal privacy law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
    • If you have any questions regarding filing an incident report, please contact OSRR at 252-328-6824.

5. Enter final grades via PiratePort by the required deadline

  • Step-by-step instructions via the Registrar are here.
  • After you have entered the grades, this course roster will not “disappear” from your list, until grades are rolled to academic history (grades will be rolled to academic history daily at 8 a.m., and at more frequent intervals as the grade entry deadline approaches). If you have any grade changes that need to be made, you may go back into Faculty Grade Entry and make those changes prior to the roll to academic history. Once grades have been rolled, and are not available for entry, you must submit a change of grade/removal of incomplete via the Change of Grade link in Faculty & Advisor Self Service.
  • Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete
    • If you need to change a grade after grades have rolled to academic history, you must submit an official change of grade via Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.
    • Step-by-step instruction here.

6. Store student work and files

  • For faculty continuing at ECU, retain student work and files for only one year, and destroy afterwards.
  • For faculty separating from ECU after the end of the semester, transmit all student work/files to the Director to maintain for one year.

7. Sign your evaluation from the Director

  • At the end of the academic year or your contract (whichever is sooner), you will receive an evaluation from the Director. It will arrive via DocuSign via email to your ECU email account. Please click the link, review the document, and sign via the prompt. Note that your signature does not indicate agreement, but rather receipt of the document.
  • Make an appointment with the Director (virtual or in-person) if you wish to discuss your evaluation or any other items.