Faculty Resources

The information collected below is for faculty and instructors in the School of Art and Design. If you see an error, broken link, or have a suggestion for improvement please email the Director.


  • The 1card is ECU’s official ID card. It allows faculty to gain access to buildings and other resources. Begin the process of requesting your 1card here.


  • If you unable to work, please follow these procedures when an absence impacts instructional and/or other School obligations.
  • To report a planned absence, email the Director with brief details on the reason for the absence and arrangements you have made to cover instructional activities or other obligations impacted by the absence. Planned time away from School (ex. conference, exhibition opening) should be reported and approved at least three weeks in advance.
  • To report an unexpected absence due to sudden illness or other unforeseen situation, call the Main Office (252 328-6665) and leave a message including your name, the name of the class impacted by the absence, and brief instructions for students. As soon as practical, send an email or Canvas announcement to your students with instructions.
  • Avoid scheduling time away from the School at the beginning or end of a semester. Specifically, faculty must be available one week prior to the beginning of the fall semester. Nine-month faculty contracts run from August 15 through May 15.

Annual Report and Annual Evaluations

  • In compliance with the ECU Faculty Manual, annually all faculty are evaluated. Full-time faculty submit an Annual Report utilizing Faculty 180 by the beginning of March for the current academic year. Each year the Director provides instructions. The Director then completes an Annual Evaluation for each faculty member. Upon receiving their Evaluation, faculty schedule a meeting (in-person or online) to discuss their evaluation and plans for the coming academic year, including their Workload and Weights form.


  • Student assessment is an essential component of the instruction at ECU. Assessment exercises provide faculty with feedback for improving student success.
  • The School’s Unit Assessment Coordinator is Robbie Quinn, quinnr@ecu.edu. If you have questions about assessing your courses, wish to discuss ideas with him, or want to assist with assessment exercises, please reach out to Dr. Quinn.

Business Cards

  • The School supplies full-time faculty and staff with business cards. To order updated business cards or replacement cards please speak with Shirah Linson (linsons22@ecu.edu).



  • Reference course catalogs for current degree requirements, course descriptions, and other information regarding student progress and susccess.

Code of Operations

  • School of Art and Design Unit Code of Operations



  • All full-time faculty and staff are issued a computer upon employment with ECU. Faculty workstations are refreshed/replaced every five years. Please work with Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) regarding your initial computer request.
  • For issues with faculty workstations, please contact ITCS directly.


  • Students with courses in computer labs or who have been admitted to a concentration that requires access to computer labs in Jenkins Fine Arts Center are granted access via 1cards.
  • Issues with student 1card access should be directed to Shannon McGinnis.
  • For issues with faculty workstations in classrooms or student computers, including installation of drivers (e.g. Wacom), software updates, and printing, please contact ITCS directly.

ECU Cares

  • ECU CARES offers assistance to distressed individuals, connecting them to appropriate campus resources, and reporting concerning behavior to professionals on campus. This can be a critical first step in helping the individual(s) improve and ensuring a safer campus for everyone.
  • Report a person of concern.


  • DocuSign is the online tool ECU uses for signing documents. To sign a document users do not have to have an account.
  • To access DocuSign to create and send documents, new users sign in here. Sign in with your ECU email account and passphrase.

ECU Email

Faculty Manual

Faculty Senate

  • ECU maintains a strong, long-standing shared governance structure. The Faculty Senate has been the legislative, advisory and primary faculty governance body for faculty representation at ECU for over 50 years (pdf). This body provides the means by which faculty are able to fulfill their responsibilities with respect to academic and educational policies of ECU.


Hours & Access

  • All faculty, staff, and students have 24/7 access to Jenkins Fine Arts Center via their 1cards. The building is open to the public 7 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday when the University is open.
  • Faculty, staff, and graduates also have access to all computer labs via their 1cards.
  • Faculty or students who wish to gain 1card access to other spaces must consult with the faculty who manage the space and Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) to process requests.
  • Faculty or students who wish to have access to keyed rooms must consult with the faculty who manage the space and Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) to process requests.


  • If there is an issue with a space in Jenkins Fine Arts Center (e.g. clogged sink, broken fixture, roof leak, etc.), please notify Shirah Linson linsons22@ecu.edu) (back-up is Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu)) to have a work order placed.

File Storage — Cloud

  • Faculty and staff have 5TB of file storage through Microsoft 365 with OneDrive cloud storage. OneDrive can be synced with your computer and used as a backup destination.

Health and Safety


Office Hours

  • All full time faculty are required to hold five (5) office hours per week. Hours must be scheduled but may be virtual and/or in-person. Office hours MUST be listed on your syllabus.
  • Part-time faculty should indicate how students can reach you outside of class hours for meetings and consultations.


  • PiratePort is ECU’s online portal for access a variety of services, from course rosters to entering final grades to training to parking.



  • Faculty are able to photocopy (b/w and color) and print (b/w and color) for 8.5 x 11 and 11/17 in the Faculty Media Room, which is located inside room 1345 Jenkins. Faculty have 1card access to 1345 but need a key to access the Media Room. Please see Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) to be issued a key to this room.
  • Faculty workstations can be networked to print directly to the printer/copier in the Media Room. Please contact CopiServ at 252-328-2326 to set up an appointment to have your computer networked. Note that Main Office staff cannot do this task.
  • Faculty who need to print in classrooms for instructional purposes should submit an IT ticket with clear justification of how printing is essential to instruction. Printing syllabi and assignments do not justify access to printing in classrooms.


  • Students have access to printers in Jenkins and elsewhere on campus. At the start of each semester students are allotted $10 for printing costs. Students can add funds to their PiratePrint account at any time.
  • Student can access computers, a printer, and copier (b/w and color; 8.5×11 and 11×17) in the Student Lounge 24/7 (208 Jenkins).



  • View past, current, and future semester schedules through PiratePort’s Registration and Planning tile. This video shows how to navigate and use this feature.


  • Accessing Office 365 products and downloading them to your computers and devices.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Need software other software to support your teaching and learning? Email Daniel Kariko to discuss your needs.
  • To download software follow this link. Pirate ID and passphrase are required to access this page.


  • Office supplies for staff, faculty, and graduate instructors are available in the School’s Main Office. If you require office supplies that are not in stock, please speak with Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) to make a request.


  • ECU required trainings are accessed through Cornerstone.
  • All ECU employees are required to complete the Employee Best Practices in Information Security training. The completion of this course is mandatory for all employees on employment and every two years following. Accessed through Cornerstone.
  • ll faculty teaching online must complete DE Modules. All faculty who teach a distance education course are required to complete six modules located within the DE Modules Curriculum in Cornerstone.  The module topics include: Course Management and Design, Accessible Content, Creating Effective DE Syllabi, Evaluating Student Progress, Student Engagement and Interactivity, and Universal Design for Learning.  Each module contains a short quiz and requires an 80 % or higher passing score. Accessed through Cornerstone
  • Faculty teaching online must also complete one professional development course related to teaching and learning annually. Course options are available through Cornerstone and the Office of Faculty Excellence.


  • The School maintains two vans for School business. One van (Leo) is avaiable for passenger trips and comfortable seats up to 10. The other van (Warren) does not have any seats and is used exclusively for pickups and deliveries. The van is scheduled by Shannon McGinnis (mcginniss22@ecu.edu) in the Main Office, with its schedule visible on the School’s Outlook calendar (artdesign@ecu.edu). Please contact Shannon for more information or to schedule the van.


  • ECU’s primary campus network, eduroam, is more than access to the internet and ECU resources. Enroll once for four years of access anywhere eduroam is available (including many other UNC campuses). See the Network and Wireless IT knowledge base category for step-by-step connection instructions.