Annual Review

A graduate student will receive two formal evaluations of their progress through the curriculum and potential for the successful completion of the thesis. A committee of no less than three faculty members (Committee), including the candidate’s Area Coordinator, will evaluate the candidate’s creative work, research, knowledge of appropriate tools, materials, technology, writing, and oral communication skills. The student must complete their Annual Review (Review) at the end of each year (student’s 2nd semester and 4th semester). One week before the Annual Review, the student will notify the SoAD Graduate office of their Committee membership details to

Following are the topics on which the student will be evaluated:

  1. Creative Work: The committee will evaluate the student’s creative work completed during each academic year in the areas of Visual Communication, Critical Development, Content/Context, and Interdisciplinary Components.
  1. Written Communication: The student will demonstrate written proficiency by completing a 5-page (minimum) research paper following either the MLA or Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Thesis/Dissertations, or as defined by the area coordinator. The research paper must have an appropriate bibliography for the chosen topic. It is recommended that students work with graduate writing consultants at the University Writing Center [].
  1. Oral Communication: The student will be assessed on their oral communication proficiency by defending that body of work. To help with improving public speaking skills, the School of Communication offers consultation at the Speech Communication Center [].
  1. Technological Capabilities: The student will be assessed on their capabilities with technologies utilized in creating, disseminating, documenting, and preserving work in the field(s) or area(s) of specialization.

When all members of the Committee complete the evaluations via Qualtrics, the SoAD Graduate Office will provide the Committee’s evaluation report. The Committee will meet with the student to discuss the assessment with the results and documentation of the evaluation, including any required remedial work or justification for termination.

The student must submit copies of all materials submitted for the Review, including visual documentation of creative work, to the Graduate Program Director within two weeks of the Review.

Upon successful completion of the Review in their second year, the student will complete the PreThesis Research Approval Form, DocuSign provided by the Graduate Program Director, to register for ART 7000 in the following semester.




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