Fall 2020 BFA Studio Access Request
Students ARE NOT required to remain in Greenville or access Jenkins Fine Arts Center during Fall 2020 instruction. Beginning August 26, all undergraduate classes pivoted to all online instruction. Faculty CANNOT require students to be in or complete work that requires access to Jenkins Fine Arts Center. This includes completing work for BFA Senior Exhibitions. Faculty must accommodate work to complete BFA exhibition bodies of work via remote instruction.
Please Note — If you have any questions about the above policy, please contact the director at 252-328-5180 or bukoskik16@ecu.edu.
Due to the hands-on nature of much of the work and making in art and design, and to acknowledge that some upper-division students may wish to have access to facilities, tools, and equipment in Jenkins Fine Arts Center, we will consider requests for access to art and design facilities. Requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. Read the instructions and information below, and then fill out the form below to begin the request process.
Undergraduate art and design students in junior or senior level study AND who are accepted into a concentration may request special access to Jenkins Fine Arts Center for the Fall 2020 semester.
All requests must be reviewed and approved by appropriate area coordinator(s) and the Director. The Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication will be notified of all approvals.
Access to campus and Jenkins Fine Arts Center is subject to ECU, Greenville, Pitt County, and North Carolina policies, rules, and regulations. Access may end at any time due to a mandate by appropriate authorities in the interest of public health.
Students who are granted access to Jenkins must follow all ECU policies and regulations, including wearing face masks at all times, cleaning of workstations, hand washing, and social distancing. Those who do not follow policies may lose access to facilities.
Students who are granted access will document their in-studio time through logs that will be posted. Studio spaces will be monitored to ensure that social distancing, occupancy loads, and mask wearing policies are followed.
All shared studio spaces (e.g. the Wood Shop, Shape Lab, ICOR lab) will continue to follow signup procedures. Find those links here.
If you notice a student, staff, faculty, or visitor who is not following ECU social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing policies, please notify the Director of the School of Art and Design.
Jenkins Fine Arts Center 1card access is 5 am to midnight seven days a week. The facility is closed and locked on state holidays. Access ends for all undergraduate students on December 5, 2020.
Questions? Please contact the Director of the School of Art and Design, Kate Bukoski.