Ron Graziani

Ron Graziani specializes in the cultural parameters of art in the 20th and 21st century. His teaching emphasize the need to access research sources through the ever-growing archives provided by library resources, publishing houses, journals and those sources now available through the internet. Graziani hold an M.A. from Stony Brook University, and a Ph.D. from UCLA. His Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary degree, in political science, aesthetic theory, and the field of psychoanalysis, with a dissertation topic in contemporary art. Combining the methodologies of these fields, his interests focused on the relationship between art and a variety of institutional fields involved in the debates concerning the ecological ramifications of our industrial way of life. Graziani has been invited to present his research at professional conferences (Art Institute of San Francisco, Harvard, George Mason). He has published in peer-reviewed journals (Critical Inquiry, Art Criticism) and authored a book at Cambridge University Press. His current work is addressing the curatorial impact of eco-art and the institutional role of the art viewer.