Carl Twarog

The School of Art and Design fondly remembers Professor Carl Twarog, who left behind a legacy of excellence in animation/interactive design. He is missed by his students, colleagues, and the community of ECU and Greenville. Carl’s energy, tenacity, and passion for life are missed by us all.
Specializing in animation and game design, Professor Carl Twarog has taught at East Carolina University for 19 years, previously teaching at the Massachusetts College of Art as a visiting lecturer. Twarog teaches face-to-face, hybrid and online courses in Motion, Game Design, and Animation. In addition to his design education, Twarog studied at the Art Academy and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, specializing in Painting and Polish Philology. Prior to his teaching career, Twarog was a practicing designer working in exhibit design, environmental signage systems, graphic design and illustration. In 1987 Twarog began his design career as graphic designer/illustrator on the $200 Million Waterfront Redevelopment Project for the city of Buffalo, NY, a project that reconnected an Olmstead Park System. From 1988 to 1989 and again from 1990 to 1995, Twarog was the Exhibit Designer and Visualization Illustrator on the $14 Billion Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project (the Big Dig) in Boston, employed by Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas Engineering. In addition to his faculty appointment at ECU, Twarog serves as Curator of a multimedia installation artwork located on the ECU campus entitled “the Sonic Plaza,” created by Massachusetts artist, Chris Janney. The piece is one of 62 public artworks in the North Carolina Art Works in Public Buildings Collection. Twarog’s recent research includes writing courses on animation and interactive design for Wiley Publishers, embedded systems projects for art and special needs children, and designing and producing art furniture.
To support Carl’s work and legacy, School faculty, alumni, and friends have created the Carl Twarog Memorial Scholarship.