School of Art and Design Alumni Exhibition 2021

Wellington B. Gray Gallery

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Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge

Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery


Rachel Williams
Graduated 1983

My work as a painter is based on the ephemera of my everyday experiences. I mix images taken from the natural or undomesticated world with bits and pieces from my suburban domestic experience. Oftentimes the animals and/or plants I paint appear as everyday signs taken for wonders. I layer these images with wet into wet brushwork, intensive drawing, patterns, and collage. Most pieces are diaristic and have abstract narrative content. They often take me months to complete and depend on a careful process of layering on paper that correlates to the experiences in my life.

Un(K)not, Aqueous media, graphite, gold foil, 15″ x 22″, 2021