School of Art and Design Alumni Exhibition 2021

Wellington B. Gray Gallery

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Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge

Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery


Cynthia Stephenson-Gibbs
Graduated 2000

Since receiving my MFA in 2000, I have had the opportunity to not not only live, travel and experience many different states in the USA, but other countries as well. Throughout the past two decades, I have been an Art educator at all levels from elementary thru graduate school (including ECU and Coastal Carolina Community College) at both private and public institutions and have always maintained a connection with the creative process. My philosophy has never altered and I continue to believe William Blake’s statement – “Art is Life”. For that reason, my own art reflects varied subject matter, media and techniques. Life is about change – our experiences, perceptions and understanding of our world.

Graphic Octopus, Acrylic on Wood Panel, 2′ x 4′ x 2″, 2021