School of Art and Design Alumni Exhibition 2021
Wellington B. Gray Gallery
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Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge
Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery
Vicky Smith
Graduated 2001
Much of my current work features birds which signify the importance of adaptability to our ever-changing environment. Birds have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years by making changes, some extreme, to their physical features which enables many of them to survive and succeed. My concern is for their future.
Wood firing, one of the oldest types of firings, leaves a unique surface on each piece telling a story of the flame as it flows through the kiln depositing ash as it travels. Each firing is different and the results are different which makes for an exciting revelation upon opening kiln. The kiln is fired every spring and fall with a group of wood firing enthusiast and friends.
Leaving a small carbon foot print is important to me therefore I use recycled clay from a production potter which is processed with clay from my property in Greene County. The wood used for fuel in the kiln is recycled from the window factory next door to the studio. I believe in being a good steward to our environment.