Yr1 Proseminar Passport Items

  • I get keys and permission to drive the vans from this person.
  • This person can help me reserve a room or space in Jenkins.
  • If I want to use the Woodshop and/or Shape Lab, I talk to these 2 people.
  • If I want to use the Lighting Studio, I talk to this person.
  • My area coordinator/primary mentor is this person.
  • This person facilitates the exhibitions in the Gray Gallery
  • If I want to use Burroughs Wellcome Gallery or one of the hallway exhibition cases/walls, I should talk to one of these people.
  • This person facilitates the exhibitions in the Student Center Galleries on the Main Campus and the Health Sciences Campus.
  • This person can answer or help me find the answer to any of my graduate school questions.
Places team photo hunt

(pair up and do selfies at these places)

  • Greenville Museum of Art
  • Emerge Art
  • The gallery in the Library
  • Main Campus Student Center Gallery
  • A coffee shop off-campus
  • A place to unwind off-campus
  • A place to unwind on campus
  • The writing center (on campus)
  • Your SoAD mailbox
  • A place to have your computer fixed
  • ECU Graduate School
Things web-based
  • I set up my Outlook mail/calendar and can easily access it (at least once daily) using a device of my choice.
  • I keep my Outlook calendar up to date and know how to request meetings by using Calendar Invite.
  • I know what to do if I get locked out of ECU accounts.
  • I know how to access OneDrive and manage documents.
  • I have a naming convention system for my digital resources.
  • I am familiar with virtual conference apps such as MS Teams, WebEx, etc, and my device has the necessary elements installed and are ready.
  • I know where to find the MFA Graduate Manual.
  • I know where to find MFA Forms.
  • I follow social media profiles for SoAD and ECU MFA and share them with others.